A Zenit Brochure

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The name Zenith has earned for itself an enviable reputation among 35mm reflex cameras. Zeniths are system cameras — using the fine interchangeable Helios lenses and other accessories shown in this brochure you can, for a very moderate outlay, open up for you and your family almost unlimited photographic horizons.

The Zenith Ef/2 has sold in hundreds of thousands all over the world. Its succes is readily explained by the quality of its standard lens, its sound engineering, rugged strength, versatility and down-to-earth price. Its successor, the Zenith EM, added an automatic diaphragm to the established Zenith virtues and immediately won a British award for 'Best Camera Value of the Year.' The EM was soon followed by the Zenith TTL, which gives the advantages of through-lens metering, now we have the ET which is sure to prove a great favourite with the enthusiasts in the family.

T.O.E. — The home of good photography

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